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700% after 1 day
7000% after 2 days
70000% after 3 days
Min/Max: $30 / $50000
Referral: 5%
Withdrawal: Instant
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Users Rating:
Our Invetment: $100.00
Payout Ratio: 48%
Last Payout: Jun 22nd, 2018
Added: Mar 1st, 2017
Monitored: 488 days
Lifetime: 488 days
PerfectMoney Payeer Bitcoin AdvCash
Payouts Ratio 48%
Profit $47.70 in 103 payouts
Investment $100.00 in 1 spends
Type Date Amount Comment
Profit   Mar 5th, 2017   $ 0.10   Withdrawal to bakster from  
Profit   Mar 4th, 2017   $ 0.10   Withdrawal to bakster from  
Profit   Mar 2nd, 2017   $ 0.10   Withdrawal to bakster from  
Spend   Mar 1st, 2017   $ 100.00   Deposit  
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